im体育APP offers UKAS/MCERTS accreditation for bioaerosol monitoring and sampling. Biological aerosol from stack emissions can cause serious health issues, we help you to stay compliant and protect your employees following VDI 4257 Part 2, as required by the Environment Agency’s Technical Guidance Note M2.

Our bioaerosol monitoring services include testing for 木糖醇, 酵母, 模具, 细菌, 和真菌, including Aspergillus Fumigatus, which mainly arises from biological processes, which mainly arise within the waste recycling industry and material recovery facilities (MRF).


Ambient Bioaerosol Monitoring

We take all measurements in accordance with parameters specified in the ‘Technical Guidance Note (Monitoring) M9: 环境 Monitoring of Bioaerosols at Regulated Facilities‘.

Upwind samples to gain true representative baseline samples and downwind samples at strategic locations around the site. 通常, the filtration method is preferred and taken in triplicate often with additional boundary samples to aid identification of specific sources.


Workplace Bioaerosol Monitoring

It is important to assess operator exposure to bioaerosols in locations where the risk is high, such as composting and waste facilities. 测试 diverse industry sectors has given us the expertise to monitor personal exposure to bioaerosols, 具体地说, 木糖醇, assess current control measures, and provide detailed recommendations for any required improvements to control.

Samples are incubated for up to 7 days at 37 degrees celcius (total mesophilic 细菌) and for two days at 45oC (Aspergillus fumigatus).  Nutrient agar plates are used for total mesophilic 细菌 and malt extract agar plates are used for Aspergillus fumigatus.


Indoor Bioaerosol Monitoring

In addition to bioaerosols monitoring in industrial facilities, we can also undertake bioaerosol monitoring in office and commercial environments where there may be instances of ill health potentially attributable to suspected mold or fungal contamination. 这 indoor air quality assessment is critical to the health, comfort, and well-being of occupants.


Bioaerosol Sampling / Isokinetic sampling

Isokinetic sampling requires extraction from the stack 气体 itself into a specially prepared sterilized solution, which is then plated and stored under ideal conditions, allowing the living organisms to survive and form colonies.

After a predetermined period, our experts count the biological colonies for bioaerosols, 比如总菌类, 总细菌, 和真菌毒素. Technicians can then calculate a concentration from the volume of 气体 sampled.


The im体育APP advantage

We are proud to be able to conduct the full spectra of bioaerosol sampling from 烟囱排放, Ambient and fugitive through to the Workplace. Our consultancy expertise in this field coupled with our quality sampling procedures means im体育APP are a trusted partner in this complex field. 

If you have any questions about bioaerosols monitoring or requirements, please contact an expert today.

我们的团队超过9人,000 从事专家 in North America, 欧洲, 中东地区, 澳大利亚, Asia and Africa are ready to help you.