X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) analysis is a simple, highly accurate test method used to determine a material’s chemical composition. im体育APP的 化学分析 experts are ready to provide you with precise data regarding the properties of your materials. 

XRF testing uses a device to inundate the sample with a high energy primary x-ray beam. The irradiated sample emits secondary x-ray photons characteristic to energy or wavelength of elements present in the sample. The instrument detectors then count the emitted photons dispersed by selected crystals and identify and quantify the elements present. 

XRF is a popular analytical tool because of its non-destructive nature, the ability to test materials with little or no preparation required, as well as being suitable for solid, 液体, 或者粉末样品.  

Portable XRF testing services

Depending on project requirements, testing can be performed on-site as well as in our laboratories. When performed on-site, a handheld analyzer shoots a beam at the material, which sends feedback to a portable machine that generates a readout of the types and amounts of elements in a material. 

im体育APP的 portable XRF testing reports on a wide range of metals, including trace elements and major constituents. Results from this method are almost immediate, making it a very efficient way to check structures or individual pieces.  

Laboratory XRF testing services

Our in-laboratory XRF uses a more sophisticated analyzer. 用这种方法, samples need to be the appropriate size to fit the dimensional requirements of the equipment. Rather than being tested in the open air, the material is loaded into a vacuum chamber and irradiated. 

While in-laboratory XRF testing takes longer than field analysis, it covers a broader range of elements and provides more detailed results. This method is generally preferred when a more accurate and thorough analysis of multiple elements is required.

Working with im体育APP

im体育APP performs XRF analysis for customers across the US, the UK, and 欧洲. Our 化学分析 experts work diligently to help you meet requirements and objectives quickly and provide certainty of the composition of your product. 

For more information about our XRF testing services or to request a quote, im体育APP 今天. 

American Society for Nondestructive 测试


American Society for 测试 & 材料

ASTM B568, ASTM E1085, ASTM E1476, ASTM E1621, ASTM E322, ASTM E539, ASTM E572


我们的团队超过9人,000 从事专家 in North America, 欧洲, 中东地区, 澳大利亚, Asia and Africa are ready to help you.