im体育APP operates an advanced architectural acoustics testing laboratory to provide accurate sound transmission and sound absorption data that help achieve excellent acoustics and sound isolation in buildings. 

As environmental noise pollution increases with airport or highway noise, road construction or noise in apartment and condo living, the acoustic properties of buildings have become critical to their ability to perform their function. Knowledge of the acoustic absorption levels of architectural materials and the behavior of sound reverberation before construction can be vital. 

We provide laboratory acoustics testing to rate the effectiveness of a material to attenuate or absorb sound. Methods we apply include Noise Reduction Coefficient (NRC), Sound Absorption Average (SAA), Sound Transmission Class (STC), and Outdoor/Indoor Transmission Class (OITC). Field testing can be conducted to measure the airborne sound attenuation between rooms in buildings and impact sound transmission through floor-ceiling assemblies.

For more information about our architectural acoustics testing, and the services we provide to the construction industry, im体育APP 今天. 

architectural acoustics testing


The sound absorption test measures the ability of building products to control reflected sound and decrease noise levels. 测试 is conducted per ASTM C423, E795, and ISO 354. 

Our architectural acoustics experts operate an A2LA accredited facility equipped with reverberation chambers that allow assessing the performance of absorption materials, 如: 

  • 隔音墙板
  • 挡板
  • 天花板面板
  • 布料
  • 面料
  • Highway and transportation barriers
  • 绝缘材料
  • 办公室的分区
  • 窗口时尚

We measure sound absorption by measuring the decay rate in a reverberation room. Materials receive two different ratings: Noise Reduction Coefficient (NRC), the average of sound absorption coefficients at frequencies of 250, 500, 1000和2000赫兹四舍五入, and Sound Absorption Average (SAA), a single number rating that uses the rounded sound absorption coefficients at the twelve one-third octave bands from 200 through 2500 Hz indicating the ability of a material to absorb sound.

architectural acoustics testing

Sound Transmission Loss 测试

The sound transmission loss test measures the ability of building products to attenuate sound. 测试 is conducted per ASTM E90, E423, E1332, AAMA 1801, and ISO 10140. 

We evaluate airborne sound transmission loss of building elements and partitions and determine the acoustical performance of: 
  • 布料
  • 面料
  • 玻璃
  • Highway and transportation barriers
  • 绝缘材料
  • 墙板及组件
  • 窗口和窗口样式

We measure sound transmission loss through the Sound Transmission Class (STC) and the Outdoor/Indoor Transmission Class (OITC). STC is defined as a single number rating that is calculated using values of sound transmission loss (TL), providing an estimate of the performance of a partition. OITC relates to ground and air transportation noise like planes, 火车, 和汽车, and provides a single number rating for building facades and facade elements like windows and doors.

architectural acoustics testing


In addition to laboratory acoustics testing services, we also offer on-site analysis of wall, 天花板和地板组件. 测试 is conducted per ASTM E336 and E1007. 

im体育APP's field testing is conducted to measure the airborne sound-insulating properties of wall, 天花板和地板组件 and the impact sound isolation between rooms. 我们的服务帮助建筑师, building officials and construction contractors to meet building code requirements.

我们的团队超过9人,000 从事专家 in North America, 欧洲, 中东地区, 澳大利亚, Asia and Africa are ready to help you.